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  • To celebrate Pride month in the USA, Nature Neuroscience is having conversations with LGBTQIA+ scientists across multiple career stages to discuss their personal and professional experiences in research. In this Q&A, we are talking to Aniruddha Das, an associate professor at Columbia University, New York, USA. Das’s research uses macaque models to explore the cognitive basis of visual processing, attention, and motivation.

    • George Inglis
  • To celebrate Pride month in the USA, Nature Neuroscience is having conversations with LGBTQIA+ scientists across multiple career stages to discuss their personal and professional experiences in research. In this Q&A, we are talking to Laura Huckins, an associate professor at Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, USA. Huckins’ research focuses primarily on the genetics of eating disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as the development of statistical and multi-omic methods for use in genome-wide association studies (GWASs).

    • George Inglis
  • To celebrate Pride month in the USA, Nature Neuroscience is having conversations with LGBTQIA+ scientists across multiple career stages to discuss their personal and professional experiences in research. In this Q&A, we are talking to Alexandra Keinath, an assistant professor at the University of Illinois, Chicago, USA. Keinath’s research uses both rodent and human models to investigate the neural representations of spatial memory and navigation.

    • George Inglis

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